Black Mountain Solutions understand that providing security coverage for media services in often high-risk environments can be a complicated and unique task. Often due to specialist equipment, unfamiliar non-local faces, and rarity of a media crew’s activities, often unwanted attention is bought to the crew and immediate area. This can present such risks as theft of valuable camera equipment, a build-up of persons in the area restricting access or even hindering the crew’s activities, or worst case physical harm or damage to the companies staff or assets. Our expertise in media team security ensures tailored protection for your crew’s safety.

Often within these regions, a robust Journey Movement plan of staff & assets between the origin and destination must also be considered in order to reduce the likelihood of becoming victims to safety issues in areas that are commonly out of reach to the local authorities & emergency services, and where there may be an increase in organized crime.
Black Mountain Solutions understands that often a delicate but robust low-profile security approach must be implemented to not attract unwanted attention but most importantly at the same time providing a back watch surveillance method to monitor the surroundings and ensure any pre-established emergency response plans can be effectuated. Our expertise in media team security ensures comprehensive protection with minimal disruption.

To date, Black Mountain Solutions offer a wealth of experience throughout Central & South America in the provision of security services within the media sector for major media service providers (see case studies for further information). Often these security services include Executive Protection and Journey Management for staff and any company’s assets in both rural and urban areas in often high-risk environments. Media team security is paramount in our approach.
For more information please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.