About Chile

Chile is a Latin American country that occupies a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes to the East and the Pacific Ocean to the West. It borders Peru, Bolivia and Argentina and yet manages to maintain a reputation for being the nation with the lowest rates of crime across the region. Travel to Chile however is not without it’s risks, and visitors should exercise caution at all times. Black Mountain Solutions offers dependable security services in Chile to ensure your safety.

High Crime Rates

Dense urban areas and major cities generally see higher instances of crime than more rural locations, and tourist destinations are hot spots for criminal gangs and activity. Due to the geographic location of the country, it is increasingly being viewed as a transhipment alternative for drug cartels from both the Americas and Africa, and as such gang related crime is on the increase. Settlements close to the borders with Peru and Bolivia, as well as the lengthy frontier with Argentina, are reported to be seeing a direct increase in drug consumption and related criminal activities.

Tourists Need Safety

The capital city of Santiago has plenty to offer travellers from all nations, and as one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America, the city is a popular destination for those looking to grow their business assets in the region. Tourist areas like Plaza de Armas and Bellavista, are often safe during the day, however travellers need to exercise extreme caution in these areas during the night. Police presence in tourist areas are almost non-existent when the sun goes down, and therefore muggings and robberies are more prevalent when night falls.

Robberies are commonplace throughout the city, with perpetrators often carrying knives or blades as weapons. Visitors are encouraged not to fight back if attacked, and to surrender their belongings without argument.

Security Services in Chile

Black Mountain Solutions has extensive knowledge of urban areas and municipalities thought Chile, and can offer fully comprehensive low profile security services in Chile to visitors. Whilst the country may have a reputation as being one of the safest nations to visit in the Americas, crime is more prevalent than in many European or North American destinations. The safety of visitors to the country and protection from robbery, kidnap or crimes against the person are our priority as a professional security company in Chile.

If you are travelling to the region on business, we can protect your most important assets and staff, using low profile security vehicles that will blend in seamlessly with the other vehicles around them. Our vehicles bear no markings or logos, and offer tinted windows for additional privacy and protection. All of our security vehicles in Chile are GPS tracked and monitored by staff in our 24 hour operations room. For your additional security and peace of mind, all of our staff are ex-military or police and are diligently background checked.

Before you or your staff visit Chile, Black Mountain Solutions will work with you to carefully plan your itinerary, scheduling all movements in advance, assessing risks and creating a robust journey management plan. For more information about our security services in Chile or for booking, contact us.

Contact us

Black Mountain Solutions Ltd

Capital Tower, Calle 100 No 7-33, Torre 1 Piso. 14, Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia


General Enquiries

Email: [email protected]

Security Director’s:

Freddie Ellis

Tel: +57 300 432 0647
Email: [email protected]

Gordon Wells

Tel: +57 310 621 4485
Email: [email protected]