Services provided
Black Mountain Solutions can provide high quality medical and emergency response services tailored to your needs, including:
- Travel Health Risk Assessments
- Accredited international training
- Emergency Ambulances
- Critical Care Transports
- Air Ambulance
- Search & Rescue
- Disease Alerts
- Telemedicine
- Contingency & Crisis Management Planning
- Humanitarian Operations
- Equipment supply
- 24/7 Medical Operations Centre
(MOC) & Remote Support

Black Mountain Solutions in partnership with a British Led Medical Service Provider in Central America is providing an Integrated Security & Medical and Emergency Response Services response to support any corporation’s & Organization’s Emergency & Crisis Response needs.
With a Senior Operational Management Team experienced in Disaster Relief operations, Medical Training, Pre Hospital care, Travel Risk Management, and provision of Security Solutions across the globe, Black Mountain Solutions is able to assist for a multitude of sectors within challenging environments including Medical and Emergency Response Services.
Travel Health Risk Assessments (THi Report)
The threats to public health are dynamic. Exposure to and propagation of infectious disease pose a risk to public health, business travel and the global economy. Black Mountain Solutions THi Risk Management Report and including medical and emergency response services enables businesses to forward plan, mitigate risk, prioritise territories and tasks, protect assets and prevent loss.

24/7 Medical Operations Centre (MOC) & Remote Support
The subscription package allows
- Support from Medical Director
- 24/7 reach back to Medical Direction & Specialist Advice
- Global Health & Outbreak alerts
- 24/7 Tracking
- Clinical Support (Risk Assessment & MERP Planning)
- Access to online medical training manuals
- Telemedicine

Emergency Security & Crisis Response
With the capability to send critical care paramedics and doctors to the site of an emergency and coordinate the medical repatriations through the effective coordination and planning with local air and ground assets, Black Mountain Solutions can provide emergency response and extract individuals from the most challenging areas within Latin America.

With each and every Journey overseen by Black Mountain’s Expatriate Operational Management, Security personnel adhere to robust Journey Management protocols & guidelines established by the company’s Director’s including medical and emergency response services.
With its Senior Management bearing over 20 years experience within Latin America, Black Mountain confides in meeting client expectations and customer satisfaction coherent with International standards.
Humanitarian Operations & Disaster Relief
Black Mountain Solutions lead consultants have prior experience in providing crisis management and medical emergency management support for disasters such as Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Cambray landslide in Guatemala and during the violent social unrest in Nicaragua. Black Mountain can deploy medical teams to provide medical and emergency response services in locations within the region to support client operations and staff.

Medical Training
With a team experienced in delivering medical and emergency response services and training to both state and non state actors, NGO’s and corporations Black Mountain through its partnership can support staff with a wide range of medical training courses from first-aid response to remote wilderness medicine.
Training instructors both Locals and British Nationals have first hand experience with the notorious ambulance service (bomberos) in Guatemala’s high risk areas to the mountains of Himilayas.