With the economic fallout from the pandemic, Colombia’s 2nd largest city has become an increasingly attractive hotspot for criminal activity. Travel safely to the city and hire a bodyguard in Medellin with Black Mountain solution’s (BMS) VIP Protection Medellin and Security Services Colombia.

BMS can provide the following services in Medellin & surrounding areas:
- VIP Protection Medellin
- VIP Security Medellin
- Hire a Bodyguard Medellin
- Executive Protection Medellin
- Executive vehicles & Bilingual Drivers
Medellin, both pre-covid19 and post covid19 will no doubt continue to be a number one location for US tourists. Whilst many international tourists visit the city trouble free there are still a large number of criminal occurrences towards foreigners such as thefts, muggings, extortion, date rape amongst others. Often these crimes have also taken place in the more affluent areas of Medellin such as Laureles, Poblado & Provenza.
Criminals often select targets that are most vulnerable. When we say vulnerable, its most often caused by lack of security & safety awareness whilst on the street. Perfect example, walking round at night with your head in your phone not paying attention. With VIP Protection Medellin, mitigate these risks effectively and ensure your safety.
At times, an international traveler far from home, unfamiliar with local language, not familiar with the local area nor safe havens, and appearing anxious would be seen as a more willing target that would hand over valuables items if presented with a firearm or at knife point.
VIP Security Medellin
Black Mountain Solutions can reduce the likelihood of risks (mentioned above) by providing an International traveler or foreigner with a trained bodyguard or Executive Protection Agent whilst visiting Medellin, ensuring VIP Protection Medellin.
Whilst providing a risk reduced environment for the client, our security agents can also advise travelers with do’s and don’ts’s during their stay and make any relevant recommendations for things to do. Our bilingual trained drivers and executive vehicles can also assist with logistical requirements should the traveler require that extra support, ensuring a seamless experience with VIP Protection Medellin.